Blog untuk berkonsi Ilmu/bertukaran fikiran tentang Metafizik

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Lesson 1 : Chakra Stimulation - The Root Chakra

We are going to discuss the seven chakras in the next few Post. The study of the chakras is fascinating and the benefits of this knowledge can change your spiritual, mental, and

physical existence. Basically speaking, your chakra system is your spiritual power supply.

Chakras are energy points within your body which receive and transmit life force energy in a spiral manner. There are seven chakras total, six of which are aligned along the spine to the forehead and the seventh represents your conscious level (which is an energy point of it's own). The function of your chakras is to to keep your mental, spiritual, and physical body in balance by receiving and sending life energy (prana) while spinning.

Each chakra corresponds to a different color and crystal. The correlation of chakra colors are based on the science of the light spectrum. Along with color, each chakra point has it's own sound (or frequency) associated with it. Since your chakra energy is flowing in a spiral manner, they have their own individual sounds associated with them. The energy within your chakras moves from one frequency to another in a spiraling fashion. Color, crystals, and sound can all be used to stimulate your chakras and get in-touch with the life healing energies that surround you.

This is why our Chakra Stimulation Recordings work so well. The recordings are tuned to interact with each of the seven chakras on the frequency level which it vibrates. While you listen to our chakra binaural beats, it also helps to visualize and feel the associated colors.

We are going to cover each of the seven chakras in the upcoming newsletters. We will start with the "Base Chakra" today and progress to the others in the next Less0n.

Before we begin, these lessons are recommended to be used with our Ultimate Chakra Package which contains 7 individual recordings to stimulate each Chakra. If you haven't picked up a copy of it yet, here's the link [click here]. The "All Chakras" recordings will also work, but focusing on single chakra stimulation is a little more difficult.

Muladhara: The Root Chakra (aka. The Base Chakra)

The Root Chakra starts at the lowest point of the spine and is located between the anus and the genitals. The Root Chakra is represented by the color red and acts as the bodies grounding force which connects us to the energies of the earth. Since the Root chakra is at the beginning of the energy flow, all the other chakras rely on your Root Chakra to pass energy through it.

Sexuality, stability, security, lust, and obsession are all governed by the Root Chakra. Your gender organs play a major role in your health and spiritual development and you must come to peace with your sexual energies to progress.

How to use our binaural recordings to stimulate your Root Chakra:

When you start listening to our chakra selections, focus on your lower genital (between your anus and genitals) area. Visualize a red energy spiral extruding to the front of your body. This spiral should start about the size of an egg and grow to the size of a flat baseball as you progress. You should feel and sense the energies flowing in a spiral manner. The feeling should bring along
a sense of security and stability and your worries should dissipate. As you stimulate the Root Chakra, you should notice (and visualize) earthly energy coming from the ground and entering the red spiral. The ground energies may appear as a natural earth color, but when they approach the chakra spiral, the energy should start blending in and merging with the red energy. As natural earth energy enters your chakra, it should slowly and gradually grow.

This lesson is a great start to stimulating your chakras. Practice it for a few days and in the next newsletter we will progress to the Sacral Chakra and the Solar Plexus Chakra. We will learn how to pass energies from the Root Chakra to the Sacral Chakra then to the Solar Plexus.

These lessons are going to be powerful and you don't want to miss it. If you haven't already picked up a copy of our Chakra Binaural Beats, I suggest grabbing the 7 individual package, as it will allow you to focus on each chakra as we go. Here is the link [click here]

Talk to you next lesson....


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