Blog untuk berkonsi Ilmu/bertukaran fikiran tentang Metafizik

Friday, October 2, 2009

Mosque in the World

Masjid Kubah Emas, Depok, Jakarta, Indonesia



Location: Jakarta, Idonesia
Description:Masjid Dian Al Mahri are better known as the Golden Dome Mosque is performed with all the pomp and luxury. Consists of 5 dome coated with 24 carat gold and materials imported from Italy and installed by workers - skilled workers from the same country. Fifth dome symbolizes the 5 pillars of Islam. Pillar - the pillar can also be found in several mosques in Persia and India. Middle East architecture looks very strong dominate this mosque, with 6 of the main room, mezzanine, veranda above, under the porch, the open space on the inside and the room as to.

The entrance is divided into 2 parts for men and women ... there is open space (courtyard) for 45 x 57 m which connects to the prayer room where the three sides bordered by a porch with pillars coated lined Brazilian granite.

Masjid reflects serenity that emanated from the center of the ceiling, on the right under the gold dome of the main. Ceiling is painted with the color of the sky which can vary according to the prayer time. Of course, the lighting technology with the computer behind it. There are 33 windows, each - each decorated with carved calligraphy 3 God's name ... so the total is 99 names of Allah SWT.

This mosque was first opened to the public at the time of the implementation of Idul Adha prayers 1427 H December 31, 2006. Easy - with the hope of this facility is beautiful ... mosques, clean, cool can improve our service charities ya .

Masjid Roma, Italia

Location: Roma, Italia
Description: Roma, Ibukota Italia, mempunyai sebuah masjid megah. Lokasi masjid yang didisain arsitek Italia Paulo Porthogesi, berdekatan dengan Kota Vatikan dan Sinagog Yahudi. Dengan hadirnya bangunan pusat peribadatan umat Islam itu, berarti telah mengokohkan Roma sebagai kota religius dan budaya bagi tiga agama besar: Kristen, Islam, dan Yahudi.

Mosque in the Bialystok, Polandia

Location: Wiertnicza Road, Bialystok, Polandia
Description: Sebagai satu-satunya fasilitas yang dimiliki organisasi keagamaan yang dipimpin Poplawski, masjid yang berada di pinggiran Warsawa itu juga menjadi tempat dilakukan berbagai kegiatan sosial dan pendidikan Islam. Ia juga menjadi semacam pusat informasi tentang Islam. Di sana pula Poplawski berkantor, di salah satu ruangan di lantai atas.

Masjid Raya Makassar, Makhfudz, Sulawesi, Indonesia

Location: Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

Update later.. Selengkapnya...

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Super Memory v1.1 (by Mike Brain)

Memorize all, fast and easy! This is a unique program for memory training and improvement. Based on imaginative memorization technique, this program, applied by secret services to coach spies, will lead to a change in your way of thinking to ensure speedy processing of informational bulk, distract from irrelevant and memorize only relevant facts. Just in one month You will learn how to memorize telephone numbers, addresses, e-mails, names, human looks, birth dates, foreign words, specialized and even illogically presented information, etc.

Are you fed up with losing telephone numbers, written on newspaper pieces ?

Can any person aware of your dog's name work out your password ?

Are you incapable of memorizing names and surnames of your business partners ?

Do you feel helpless when you lose your notebook ?

There is only one way-out - enhance your memory skills, because a man having good memory stays calm, concentrated and self-confident in any situation. Super memory will help you easily memorize the following: - Passwords and e-mails - Addresses and telephone numbers - Dates and events - Names and looks - Formulas and terms - And many other things! After the forth or even third month of memory training you will feel your head is becoming clearer as if You've had a good rest or walk in the forest. Just in one month of training you will feel like a newly-born person. Your friends and colleagues will definitely notice your improved skills. Get ready for compliments! This program is aimed at wide target audience: from students to corporation managers. Everyone needs good memory. When you have your memory and imagination improved, you find it easy to solve problems, which will positively affect the quality of Your life and work.

System requirements:
• Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
• 1 GHz
• 256 MB RAM

Resolution: Desktop


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